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Creditworthiness certificate Rating

A rating is a mathematical-statistical procedure for assessing the creditworthiness of a company The result: a score that provides information about the creditworthiness - the credit standing - of our company. The Creditreform CrefoZert creditworthiness certificate attests to our company's excellent financial position.
Especially for partners in our supply chain, our excellent credit rating is a further feature of sustainable corporate management and certainly a decision criterion when placing orders or using services. Through our Creditreform CrefoZert rating award, we receive a certificate - see attachment. It contains information about the company, the validity of the certificate and the verification options.
CrefoZert_2022_englisch_4130003275_Westaflexwerk GmbH.pdf — PDF document, 4717 kB (4830240 bytes)
Creditworthiness certificate Rating